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850 Cherokee Road
Winterville, Georgia 30683
office 706.354.0705
cell 706.247.6370
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Ron Deal's Top 25 Plants
1. Spreading Yew
This one has been my favorite for 35 years; a truly exceptional evergreen foundation or group plant.
2. Chinese Graybeard
More refined than American native. Clean lines, beautiful white blooms, small tree.
3. Sun Glo Jasmine
Beautiful yellow blooms on yellow leaves. Left to grow out, a unique mass planting.
4. 'Little Moon' Ligustrum
Okay, it's a ligustrum, but as my daughter would describe a puppy, "it's so cute!"
5. 'Abbey View' Rhododendron
This one will actually live, and it has 2 bloom periods per year.
6. Windmill Palm
My Coastal Georgia background demands this hardy palm be on the list. Does great in Athens area.
7. 'Florida Sunshine' Anise
Lights up the landscape with solid yellow foliage.
8. Hinoki Cypress
An old standard that adds texture and contrast without becoming overbearing.
9. Edgeworthia
Fascinating for the shady garden; not only fragrant, but in the evening garden blooms resemble lanterns.
10. Yucca 'Colorguard'
A kind yucca; stumble into it and you won't come out wounded. Beautiful